Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday Message

Monday Message!
We have a busy week ahead of us with both conferences and the Halloween parties.

Reminder: There is no school on Friday, November 1st
Halloween- We will be starting the parade around 1:15. After visiting around the school, the parties will begin at 1:45 and stop at 2:45. Just a reminder, party games need to take place in the classroom and not the hallway.  Parking is limited and the shuttle will be running from Concord Trinity United Methodist Church at 5275 S. Lindbergh.  Thank you for all of your help with the party.

This week in math we will be taking our Unit 3 test on Wednesday. I sent home a review tonight that should be returned to school by Wednesday. The test will be over division and multiplication. The students will be asked to solve expressions, equations, and input/output boxes.

In writing we are finishing up editing and revising our realistic fiction pieces! We will share these stories at the beginning of next week. They are coming along great!

In reading we are continuing to work on making inferences from poetry. We are responsible for showing evidence that helped us make our inference.

I hope everyone has a great week!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Monday Message

Hello! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!

This week is Red Ribbon Week:
Monday, 10/21-"Celebrate a Drug free Life”
Students receive red ribbons to wear promoting our theme during the week.
Tuesday, 10/22-"Wear Blue Day”
Wear blue to show that drugs will give you the blues!
Wednesday, 10/23-”Wear Green Day”
Wear green today because the grass is greener on the drug-free side.
Thursday, 10/24-”Wear Red Day”
Wear red to show you believe in being drug-free!
Friday, 10/25-”Wear Orange Day”
Wear orange today.  Orange you glad you are drug-free?

Report cards will be sent home via district e-mail this Thursday or Friday. Please be looking for these at the end of this week. You may print a copy and bring it to our conference next week if you would like.

STPG Updates:
Tonight is our final Sappington Family Dining Out event:  Our 5th graders are hosting Culver's Night to raise money for their 5th grade party.  Sappington 5th graders will be happily serving you burgers, fries, ice cream treats and of course, the all-important cheese curds (my favorite).  Culver's has lots of healthy options as well! Remember: visit the Culver's at Big Bend and I-44 (by Sam's Club) for this special event!! 
Wednesday, 10/23, is the pick-up day for Great American.  Please plan to pick up your fundraiser items between 3 pm and 7 pm Wednesday. 

This week in curriculum:
In math, we are finishing working with using division and multiplication strategies. We will be taking our quiz over multiplication and division strategies, word problems, and properties tomorrow. The students have a review they are working on due tomorrow. On Wednesday, we will begin Chapter 9.  This is focused on how to write multiplication and division expressions and equations.

In reading, we are continuing to work on making inferences within poetry.

In writing, we are working on continuing to draft and revise our realistic fiction pieces. We are focusing on revising our endings and making sure our stories make sense and the whole story fits together.

I hope everyone has a great week! And I look forward to talking with everyone at conferences next week! 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Making inferences

Students put an item from around our room in a brown bag. Each student wrote 3 clues so other students could infer what was in their bag

Monday, October 14, 2013

Monday Message!

Hello Families!
I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! This Friday is the last day of first quarter. I can’t believe how fast the year is going. We have accomplished many things and have worked really hard. Friday is also a half day. Students will be dismissed at 11:50. Tuesday night is P’sghetti’s Night Fundraiser. If you have time you can try and stop by for dinner to help benefit Sappington! On Thursday the 4th graders have been invited to assembly for an author visit from Tyler Whiteside! He will also talk to the students about writing. We are very excited about it!

This week in math we are continuing to practice multiplication and division strategies through the 12’s. We are working on using strategies to help us solve problems until we have them memorized. Later this week we will be learning about multiplication strategies and solving word problems with multiplication and division. We will take our chapter 8 quiz on Monday, October 21st.
-        ------A good resource for students to use to help them with their facts is

This week in reading we are continuing to work with making inferences. Later in the week we will focus on making inferences in poetry.

In social studies we will begin to look at different regions of Missouri.

Students will be taking their spelling test this week. They have a copy of their words at home and at school to help them study.

In writing we are continuing to work on our realistic fiction piece. We are working on revising and drafting these pieces. This week we will study how we can use authors as resources to revise our own leads. We are also studying how authors use action and dialogue to improve their writing.

I hope everyone has a great week! Let me know if you have any questions!


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Tomorrow is our first field trip! We will be leaving school around 8:45 and returning around 1:15. Please remember to bring a lunch!

Go Cards!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Homework 9-8

Read for 10 minutes
Write for 5 minutes
Circled Math Problems

Tomorrow is Cardinals Spirit Day!!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Working on thin vs. thick questions

Hello Families,
I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. I loved seeing some of you at BINGO night!

This week is our first field trip. We are going to the Sappington House on Thursday, October 10th. We are leaving Sappington at 8:45 and are returning between 1:30-2:00. Students should bring their lunches. We will be eating outside between activities and tours.

This Tuesday, Sappington will also be having McDonald’s Night at the Watson location. Bring your family and eat McDonald’s anytime between 4-8 pm.

This week in math we are continuing to learn and discuss strategies to solve multiplication and division problems. We will be working with fact families and related multiplication and division problems.

In reading we are continuing on generating questions during reading and coming up with thoughtful questions. We will then begin working on making inferences while reading.

In writing we are continuing on our realistic fiction piece. We are beginning to plan out our stories with story arcs. Later this week we will begin to draft and revise our writing looking at the small scenes of the stories we are creating.

Each student has a copy of their word study words that they can practice sorting with.

I hope everyone has a great week! Let me know if you have any questions!