Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday Message!

Hello Families,

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. This week on Thursday we are having a Blues/Cardinals spirit day. Your student can wear Cardinals or Blues gear to show their spirit on Thursday! There will also be school store on Thursday. On Friday, October 4th, it is BINGO night in the Sappington Gym. It will be from 6:30 pm- 7:30 pm. There is no cost to play however it is asked that you bring canned goods to help the needy. I hope everyone can make it!

In math we will be taking our first unit test on Tuesday. It will cover any of the material that we have learned this year so far. It will include rounding, place value, subtraction, addition, expressions, equations, and input/output boxes. There was a study guide sent home tonight and we reviewed in class today. On Thursday we will begin unit 3 which will cover multiplying and dividing.

In social studies we will begin to look at Lewis and Clark and their adventures.
In reading we will continue to work on making predictions, creating “I wonder” questions, and exploring different ways to think about the text.

In writing we are continuing to learn where writers can come up with ideas for fiction stories. We are studying how our ideas from our own lives can become realistic fiction. We will be learning how to create believable characters in our stories as well. I sent home the spelling test from last week so be looking for those in your students folder.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Have a great week :) 

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